Dear Friend,
Happy feast day of St. John of Shanghai & San Francisco!
We know that you are a devoted member of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. So we're sure that you feel very close to our own dear St. John.
In honor of this great ROCOR saint, we're doing a 72-hour challenge to support our Church!
Let us tell you what the challenge is, but first we have to tell you that...
You are walking in St. John's footsteps.
Here's what we mean.
Because you're an FFA donor, you are supporting our Church according to the example of this great saint!
See for yourself:
Just like St. John, you do everything you can by trying to strengthen Her.
Just like St. John, you help spread Orthodoxy.
Just like St. John, you feed and clothe the destitute.
And we're so honored that you do it through the FFA ♥️
So here's the challenge.
Will you, please, show your love and support for the Church St. John loved so much and give an additional donation today?
We're asking for $6.19 or $7.02, $19.66 or any other amount you can spare.
Sorry to get all nerdy here, but today is June 19th (6/19) on the Old Calendar - hence the $6.19 - and July 2nd (7/02) on the New - hence the $7.02. The $19.66 is for the year he reposed - 1966.
So will you, please, follow the example of St John and continue to support ROCOR?
Will you, please, give today, so that together we can help members of our Church overcome such difficulties as poverty?
Will you, please, give an additional gift today?
And when you give a donation, we'll make sure to forward your names to San Francisco so that you can be commemorated in front of St. John's relics!
So, please, join us in giving today!
Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai and San Francisco, pray unto God for us!
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