Dear Friend,
I’m writing to you because of what’s going on in Ukraine.
I don’t know what your political convictions are. But what I do know is that you are a true believer, and a true Orthodox Christian. And that your defining quality is mercy.
And that’s why I’m writing to you right now: to appeal to your mercy.
No matter if you’re on one side or the other, or on no side at all. The fact is: people are dying, fleeing their homes, their lives are being destroyed. There’s such tremendous suffering.
And I know enough of you to be sure that you want to help those who are in pain.
Because that’s who you are: merciful.
So, will you please, show your mercy to our suffering Orthodox brothers and sisters affected by this terrible crisis, and send a donation today?
Any amount will help.
You’ve shown mercy time and time again to people near and far. You didn’t care how far and unconnected they were, you just wanted to help.
Well, this is near. Painfully, horribly near. Both countries and people linked by tie upon tie, connection upon connection: cultural, blood, family, religious… And it makes everything so much worse.
Whichever way you turn – you see pain.
So I’m asking you: please give now.
I’m begging you to remember the Good Samaritan and support the suffering from the crisis in Ukraine.
Christ commanded us to help our brethren. And those who are suffering are truly our brothers and sisters. It doesn’t matter what our or their convictions are. We can either choose to be their neighbors like the Good Samaritan, or we can choose to close our eyes and walk away.
I know that you won’t look away. I know your mercy will show no bounds.
We are working with Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and Ukraine and Bishop Mark of Germany to review specific grant requests for the victims of this humanitarian crisis.
So if you can, please donate today. And if you can’t give, please pray for peace. The whole world needs prayers now.
With love in Christ,
Mark Selawry
FFA President
P.S. Please don’t delay. Give now to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give warmth to the freezing, and hope to all.
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