Dear Friends,
I just heard a completely unbelievable story.
I'm not supposed to name any names yet, but the Fund for Assistance has been approached by a ROCOR clergyman for urgent help. That's not unusual, but...
What is unusual is that his situation is so dire, that I can't believe this could be happening in our community... and in the U.S.
See for yourself:
The clergyman and his wife are not as young as they once were...
...both lost their jobs because of COVID... (over a year ago)...
...Father doesn't get paid at his parish...
...his old car completely broke down...
...they have to rely on the help of neighbors and friends to get to places like grocery stores or job interviews...
...they are 5 (FIVE!) months behind on their rent...
On December 15, they got a 10-day eviction notice.
In case you're no good at math, that means that...
They will be thrown out of their apartment on December 25th ‒ Western Christmas Day...
So much for remembering who else was turned away from the inn over 2,000 years ago on this day...
So much for the spirit of the season...
Because business is business.
But theological and historical considerations aside...
Can you imagine their pain and levels of stress right now?
Can you imagine what's going through their minds?
Can you believe this is happening to one of our clergy?
So, if you're in a better financial situation than they are ‒ would you consider helping this couple who have done all that they can?
Will you be a guardian angel at their time of great need?
Will you give them hope and a respite from terrible stress?
Will you fulfill the law of Christ by helping this clergy couple carry their burden? (Gal. 6:2)
We need to raise $2,500 so Father and his wife are not thrown out into the street...
Can you help?
Please join me in helping this couple.
You'd be changing their lives ‒ and (literally) saving them from being thrown out on the street.
Will you stand with them?
Please click here to give now.
With love in Christ,
Alena Plavsic
FFA Development Manager
P.S. Thank you for reading this. I truly appreciate your time, attention, prayers, and generosity!
P.S. If you can't give, would you ‒ please ‒ forward to someone who possibly can? I even recorded a short video about this. You can see it below:
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